Avalon Historico-Geographical Society
main / guide-book / for advertisers / prices

prices for placing advertisements in Kazakhstan guide-book

Original-model of the advertisement dimensions (width х height), mm
The price of making the original-model, tenge
The price of placing of advertisement, tenge
Monochrome advertisement in the printed text
58 х 44 1000 8727
58 х 93 2000 17455
120 х 44 2000 17455
120 х 190 8000 69823
Multy-chrome advertisement on colour glossy insets
58 х 44 2000 18618
58 х 93 4000 37238
120 х 44 4000 37238
120 х 93 8000 74477
58 х 190 8000 74477
120 х 190 15000 148954
Multy-chrome advertisement on front and back fly-leaves
120 х 190 15000 279290
Multy-chrome advertisement on back cover
140 х 210 16000 555060

© 'AVALON' HGS PA, 2005-2023
Reprint of information is permitted with specifying the source only