Miners’ palace of culture
Miners’ palace of culture is a historical monument of the post-war Soviet times, as well as one of the main tourist attractions in Karaganda city. Its construction upon the project of I.Brenner and Y.Yanosh began in 1940 but was suspended due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (Eastern Front of World War II). Thus, the palace was put into service only in 1952.

Photo: Old Karaganda (www.vk.com/old_karaganda) - 1950s
The building has a symmetric three-part composition. Its front is decorated with 6 ornamental sculptures depicting a miner, a builder, a shepherd holding a lamb, a farmer with a sheaf of hay, a musician with a dombra in his hands and a warrior, who all together symbolize the unity of labour, science and arts. According to the authors’ original idea, these figures were meant to glorify the self-sacrificing labour of the people of different professions for the good of the motherland and their devotion to communist ideals.
It is worth mentioning that in Soviet times the building’s functions fully corresponded to its exterior design. The palace regularly hosted formal award ceremonies for the shock workers of coal mining, who had played an important role in the development of the young city. Thus, within these walls many prominent residents of Karaganda were granted the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labour. Besides, other important city events took place in this building.

Photo: Old Karaganda (www.vk.com/old_karaganda) - 1960s

Photo: "Planet" publishing house, B.Podgorniy - 1972
At present the miners’ palace of culture houses the local department of culture, musical comedy theatre and “Saryzhailau” cinema. Just like in old times, holidays, concerts and other events are often held here.