AVALON Historico-Geographical Society
main / projects / current / Biodiversity protection in the transboundary region "Northern Tien Shan Mountains" (2013-2016)


Actions and events

Regional conference "Biodiversity protection in the transboundary region "Northern Tien Shan Mountains" (Bishkek, October 21-22, 2013)

The Facebook page of Ile-Alatau national park launch (May 14, 2014)

Kick-off meetings with local population and ecotourism workshop in Kurmety village (August 7, 2014)

Participation in the CAMP Forum 2014 (September 17- 20, 2014)

Start of activities on recreational load evaluation on two nature trails in the Ile-Alatau and “Kolsai kolderi” National Parks (September 2014)

Equipment delivery to Ile-Alatau SNNP (October 20, 2014)

Workshop on establishment of guest houses in Kurmety village (January 22-23, 2015)

Presentation of project activities in Berlin at ITB-2015 (March 4-6, 2015)

Guest houses equipment in Kurmety village (May 2016)

English course for beginners organized for the guest houses‘ owners of Kurmety village (May 10-30, 2016)


The project is implemented by Nature and biodiversity conservation union of Germany (NABU), “Avalon” PF and Association for the conservation of biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK) with the financial support of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ).

The main goal of the 4-year project (2013-2016) is development of integrated management system for protected territories in the transboudary region of Northern Tien Shan in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The system will raise the level of protection of biodiversity and forests of the region, raise living standards of local communities, and contribute climate protection. Geographic framwork of the project includes 4 protected areas: Almaty nature reserve, Ile-Alatau national park, Kolsai Koldery national park and Chon-Kemin nature park.



Papers of the regional coneference in Russian

Resolution of the regional conference


Photoalbum "Northern Tien Shan" on Facebook

Photoalbum "Northern Tien Shan" on Vkontakte

Media coverage





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